Alexa Agienko
Alexa Agienko has experience exhibiting her works in Kyiv, LA, and London. Agienko examines the work of Mark Rothko, who has become a symbol of color-field abstraction. Her works usually contain bold texts that challenge the downside of the modern generation. She asserts and questions the lost ideology of arts, excessive consumption in life, and valuing reputations of the contemporary era through texts such as “Rothko for the Middle Class.” and “Fake Rothko by Fake Artist.” Not only as a simple parody, but she also highlights the ambiguous position of artists within the modern era of capitalism. Her works suggest discussing an artist's role and direction. Furthermore, in a fearless tone, the artist seeks to express her perspectives, such as her identity as a woman and perspectives formed while experiencing war as a citizen of Ukraine.

Dark, Light Red & Yellow
2024, Oil and oil stick on canvas, 170 x 160cm