Casper Kang
Casper Kang’s current work centers around the futility of all things, up to and including the culture of his own motherland that is still so precious to him. It is, after all, only through full comprehension and acceptance of such meaninglessness that we can ever hope to reach real meaning. In this sense, by quite literally deconstructing Hanji, a medium of traditional Korean art, the artist empties it of all its cultural symbolism and themes. After all it is only then, rendered subject through this reversal, that the empty figure can truly know desire — the desire to be filled with the meaninglessness of the world.

별 37
2021, Burnt hanji, Acrylic on linen hemp, 50 x 40cm
별 67
2021, Burnt hanji on linen hemp, 20 x 20cm
별 41
2021, Burnt hanji, hanji on linen hemp, 50 x 50cm
별 68
2021, Burnt hanji on linen hemp, 20 x 20cm