Hong Gu Park

Hong Gu Park(b.1966-) considers himself a carpenter, as his heart and attention has always been with the craft of woodworking. In his own words: “By adding nature to the black, fire-fed light, I can create beautiful patterns — and it is wood itself, full of living, breathing innocence, that bestows meaning on the scattered carpenter’s life.” Park has chosen fire as his means of approaching the essence of restriction, creating his “Carbonization Series” of works and objets after careful consideration of various carbonization techniques. Resolute and dedicated to his method, the artist values the materiality in play and the process of its transformation, melting his own life into his works.
  • 추상탄화 벤치 2018

    2018, 느릅나무

  • 추상탄화 스툴 / 추상탄화 볼

    2018, 자작나무 / 2022, 자작나무

  • 바람이 불어오면

    2022, 자작나무

  • 오브제 2017

    2022, 자작나무


Sang Won Shin


Alexander Appleby